Specialized Concussion Management


Concussion is an acceleration-deceleration injury to the brain associated with MVA, whiplash and falls. The brain is surrounded by spinal fluid that acts as a cushioning within the hard shell of the skull. With a serious injury, such as those listed above, the brain is jolted within the hard skull. As a result, injury is sustained to blood vessels and nerves and the individual develops a series of dysfunctions including visual disturbances, balance problems/ instability, headaches, and cognitive dysfunctions. 

At Nirvana Wellness Centre- Brampton, we have practitioners that specialize in concussion management and are trained in clinical assessment of concussion to determine the specific system affected (visual system, vestibular system, cognitive processing, autonomic regulation, cervical sprain/strain or whiplash associated injury). The assessment further focuses on an extensive neurological examination to determine the involvement of the nervous system including cranial nerves, upper motor neuron lesion, VOR (vestibular-ocular reflex dysfunction) and VSR (vestibulospinal reflex dysfunction).  Additionally, an examination of gait, coordination and cerebellar testing is conducted. 

Treatment involves a detailed history of the injury, a thorough assessment of the above mentioned systems, and a tailored treatment plan in conjunction with physical therapy.