Holistic Women’s Health


A woman’s body is a very complicated system of balancing variables. Though this is also true for men and children, women can experience more symptomatic cyclical events often inspiring them to seek help from Naturopathic Doctors and other holistic practitioners.

There are many external influences that have a profound impact on a women’s health like diet, stress, and hormonal changes. At our clinic we currently have our Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Oznoor and our Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncturist, Daniela, that are both manage women’s health and are a wealth of knowledge!

A good starting point is to first see a Naturopathic Doctor. Our Naturopathic doctor, Dr. Oznoor, works with patients to get to the heart of their health problems and concerns and work with them to find a solution. Naturopathic doctors (NDs) treat patients as individuals by addressing the physical, environmental, lifestyle, attitudinal, and emotional aspects of health. This allows naturopathic doctors to find and treat the cause of the disease, not just symptoms, using a variety of therapies like herbs, acupuncture, dietary changes and nutritional supplements.

Women’s Health Issues that our Naturopath Can Help With:

  • Hormonal Imbalance

  • High levels of prolactin

  • Perimenopausal Neurological Symptoms

  • Pituitary Conditions

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

  • *Pregnancy and Postpartum care

  • Premenstrual Syndrome and PMDD

  • Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections

  • Recurrent Yeast Infections

  • Sleep Disorders

  • Uterine Fibroids

*Our holistic team including our Chiropractors, Massage Therapists and Acupuncturists also provide pregnancy and postpartum care. 



Wondering if you have a hormonal imbalance? Here are some signs:

  •  Lack of Energy

  •  Weight Gain

  •  Digestive Issues

  •  Low Mood

  • Irregular or heavy menstruation

  • Muscle weakness

  • Memory loss

    *Since every woman is different, it is essential to get to the root cause(s) of your hormonal imbalance.


Harmonizing your hormones

We can help effectively regulate your hormones by guiding you towards proper nourishment and supplementation, stress reduction and stimulating communication between the brain and glands of your body.

Instead of meeting with one practitioner over another, you initially meet with our primary Doctor for an Initial personalized health check and the Naturopathic Doctor for a comprehensive assessment. The team will evaluate your condition, identifying physical, chemical and emotional stressors, taking a holistic approach to identify the possible underlying causes of your hormonal imbalance.


Personalized Health Check

Once we assess and identify the root cause of your concern, we create a wellness map towards corrective care. This includes putting together a team of practitioners, as per their expertise and scope of practice, that will work together to get you on the fast-track to healing. We don’t believe in a ‘Band-Aid solution’, but rather multi-disciplinary care focused on resolving the root cause of your health concern

We offer complimentary Personalized Health Checks to see if you are a candidate for care.

List of Practitioners that manage Women’s Health: